Friday, March 27, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I have so much fun with my cousin during the Singapore Entertainment Awards 2009.
Specially when we have to wait a quite long queue..and see the performance of JJ Lin and Xiao Zhu (Alan Luo) hehehehe....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Recently I found so many interesting things to do in RP...
From those interesting activities, I can create a good atmosphere with my friends...^_^


Don't ever think that eat chocolate can make u become fatter n fatter....

Chocolate has a magic to make ur life feel sweet for a moment...

So take a bite of chocolate when ur life feel bitter....

The Language of Finger...

We can express that we are friends not only from mouth to mouth....
we also can do it by finger to finger.....


Friendship never can beat any other things in this world.
Although sometimes people think that money is the most worthy thing for them..but it is not endless.


Don't ever try to love others before u know how to love urself.....^_^

Life is like a cup of mix tea

People's life is like a cup of mix tea, sometimes it taste sweet because of the milk and sometimes it also taste plain because of the original tea leafs.